About Us

QIANTU Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Network Technology Co., Ltd. has been committed to the construction site, software product development, technological innovation and website optimization, primarily serving small and medium enterprises, to provide site planning, site design, information applications, mobile applications, mobile web design, Buffet terminal software, search engine optimization SEO diversified services. At the same time, the company continued technical and application breakthroughs and innovation, "business establishment" as the basis, the formation of a "building site - web design - web promotion" one-stop chain service.

focused on building marketing website, after a long period of accumulation and research, developed a new circle of friends network standard marketing website for chaotic marketing website construction industry has set a new benchmark. In order to give more SMEs to provide safer, more stable, easier to optimize the amount of higher inquiry marketing website.

to ensure that each link has a fine establishment of operational services, at the same time develop a rapid and effective system operations on behalf of incubation services to ensure that the positioning system, the marketing website system, marketing system, network operating system four profit model landing system implementation, for SMEs to create a more secure and stable whole network marketing money-making machines.